[6] Education and Research (ED)
[6.1] Number of Courses/Subjects Related to Sustainability Offered

Public Health



Environmental audit management system

Incorporate themes relating sustainability and focusing to audit environment system  

Environmental Health Planning

Incorporate themes relating sustainability and focusing to make green environment

Environmental Health Risk Analysis

Incorporate themes relating sustainability and focusing to manage risk in environment

Environmental Health Laboratory

Incorporate themes relating sustainability and focusing to analysis some chemical hazard or pollutant in the environment

Environmental Impact Analysis

Incorporate themes relating sustainability and focusing to analysis the effect of some hazards in the environment

Environmental Current Issues

Incorporate themes relating sustainability and focusing to solve some issues about environment

Emergency Response Environmental Health

Incorporate themes relating sustainability and focusing to make emergency response of environment

Clean Water Management

Incorporate themes relating water sustainability and focusing to provide clean water

Sanitary Technology Engineering

Incorporate themes relating sustainability and focusing to provide sanitary technology

Environmental Epidemiology

Incorporate themes relating diseases and risk factor of diseases in the environment

Environmental Health Basics

Incorporate themes relating green environment and sustainability

Environmental Quality Analysis

Incorporate themes relating sustainability and focusing to analysis the quality of environment




Intermediate financial Accounting 2

Incorporate themes relating economic sustainability and focusing in financial

Public sector accounting

Incorporate themes relating economic sustainability and focusing in public financial

Advanced Financial Accounting 2

Incorporate themes relating economic sustainability and focusing in financial

Accounting Inspection

Incorporate themes relating economic sustainability and focusing in financial and auditing

International Accounting

Incorporate themes relating economic sustainability and focusing in international accountancy

Macro economics

Incorporate themes relating economic and focusing the behavior and performance of an economy as a whole


Incorporate themes relating economic and focusing the behavior of individuals and firms in making decisions regarding the allocation of scarce resources and the interactions among these individuals and firms

Regional Planning



Ecology And Analysis of Natural Resource

Incorporate themes related to ecology and focusing to use renewable and non renewable energy in environment

Site Planning

Incorporate themes related sustainability and focusing to process the structure of space and forming intermediate spaces on land

Regional and City Economics

Incorporate themes related sustainability and focusing to aspects of location and regional spatial planning into economic analysis

Urban Revitalization

Incorporate themes related sustainability and focusing to recycle and revitalization

Strategic Environmental Studies

Incorporate themes related green environment and sustainability and focusing to carry out by local governments before granting land and forest management permits

Example of Courses/Subjects Related to Sustainability (Universitas Esa Unggul, Indonesia)


Based on the table, it is example of courses related sustainability offered by Esa Unggul University. The number of courses related to sustainability and the environment at UEU can be seen in the following details: Tahun 2018/2019 : 334 courses

2019/2020 : 400 courses
2020/2021 : 450 courses

[6.2] Total Number of Courses/Subjects Offered


Example of Total Courses Offered in 2018-2020


Esa Unggul offers a number of courses for 3 academic years with details:







Total number of courses offered in 2020 = 1315 courses 

[6.4] Total Research Funds Dedicated to Sustainability Research (in US Dollars)

Example of Sustainability Research Fund (Universitas Esa Unggul, Indonesia)


Total research fund dedicated to sustainability research in 2018 = 207.312,04 US Dollars 

Total research fund dedicated to sustainability research in 2019 = 286.200,44 US Dollars 

Total research fund dedicated to sustainability research in 2020 = 212.516,45 US Dollars 

The averaged annum last 3 years of research fund dedicated to sustainability research = 235.342,97 US Dollars

Additional evidence link (i.e., for videos, more images, or other files that are not included in this file):

Picture 1, 2 and 3 : https://lppm.esaunggul.ac.id/daftar-penerima-hibah/ 

Data penelitian terkait sustainability : 


Data dana penelitian terkait sustainability : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1i8XZfao_fjW8M5kYmyZqelZEjKsELqEw?usp=sharing 

[6.5] Total Research Funds (in US Dollars)

Total Research Fund (Universitas Esa Unggul, Indonesia)


Total research fund in 2018 = 407.232,66 US Dollars

Total research fund in 2019 = 415.283,15 US Dollars

Total research fund in 2020 = 355.904,85 US Dollars

The averaged annum last 3 years of research fund = 392.806,88 US Dollars

Additional evidence link (i.e., for videos, more images, or other files that are not included in this file):

Evidence in 2018 : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y3Kbtg7BFG4MWjrd1tXR5IIobRwUlNJN/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113355796815171952876&rtpof=true&sd=true 

Evidence in 2019 : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Wv_5BjMnP5ZSyKQ_z_Ur2xrn-YfB4HQv/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113355796815171952876&rtpof=true&sd=true 

Evidence in 2020 : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Eo2WIraDD0m2bYp8sclMHpVAQMyJeoNR/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113355796815171952876&rtpof=true&sd=true 


[6.7] Number of scholarly publications on sustainability

Example of Publication Related To Sustainability (Esa Unggul University , Indonesia)


Esa Unggul University supports research to analyze the causes of problems related to sustainability and the environment to achieve sustainable development goals (SGS). Lecturers and students then publish the results of these activities. They published their articles in international journals, accredited national journals, and unaccredited national journals. In addition, they attend conferences, present orally or through posters. Details of publications during the 2018-2020 academic year include: 

2018/2019 :   81 publications
2019/2020 :   78 publications
2020/2021 :    119 publications

Number of scholarly publications on sustainability annually over the last 3 years :  278 publications

In addition, lecturers also participated in the call for paper activities. The number of activities attended in 2018/2019 was four international conferences; in 2019/2020, there were 17 international conferences and seven national conferences, and in 2020/2021, there were ten international conferences and 13 national conferences.

Additional evidence link (i.e., for videos, more images, or other files that are not included in this file):

Publikasi jurnal : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1018Jlc3bW5UWC4II6F3OW1mIfeYwyFTY?usp=sharing 

[6.8] Number of Events Related to Sustainability

Examples of Events Related to Sustainability (Esa Unggul University, Indonesia)


The following is the number of activities related to the environment and sustainability organized by Esa Unggul University in 2018-2020 

2018: 73 events
2019: 71 events
2020: 66 events

A total average per annum over the last 3 years of 70 events (e.g. conferences, workshops, awareness raising, practical training, etc.).

Additional evidence link (i.e., for videos, more images, or other files that are not included in this file):

2018 : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WX1XkoOSWAM6nluevd1CVZeRTXTmyBxG/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113355796815171952876&rtpof=true&sd=true 

2019 : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ewjAecfkijd4whQUVu2iEzctFNj1I_Tu/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113355796815171952876&rtpof=true&sd=true 

[6.9] Number of student organizations related to sustainability

Nature Lover Student Association

Nature Lover Student Association  is an organization that focuses on devoting itself and developing knowledge based on university values in the fields of education, research, and community and environmental service.

Indonesian Red Cross Volunteer Corps-Esa Unggul University

Indonesian Red Cross Volunteer Corps-Esa Unggul University is domiciled in West Jakarta under the guidance of the Indonesian Red Cross in West Jakarta City. It is under the patronage of the Chairperson of the Indonesian Red Cross Board of West Jakarta City and the Chancellor of Esa Unggul University. As well as being in the construction of Ka. Sie HR Volunteer PMI West Jakarta City

The Ministry of Social and Environmental Affairs (BEMU)

The Ministry of Social and Environmental Affairs is a division under the Student Executive Board of Esa Unggul University. The Ministry of Social and Environment functions to organize and oversee social and environmental affairs. Their programs, including a) Webinars with the theme of Growing Hydroponics b) Webinars with the theme of Mental Health c) Implementing Non-Plastic Usage in Campus Area d) Making a Flower Corner at One Point of the Campus e) Social Service

The Ministry of Arts and Culture (BEMU)

The Ministry of Arts and Culture functions as a means and forum for developing interests, talents, and potentials related to arts and culture.

The Ministry of Independence and Entrepreneurship (BEMU)

The Ministry of Independence and Entrepreneurship (Kemenkwu) is a creative and innovative ability that is used as the basis, and a resource for seeking opportunities for success. The Ministry of Independence and Entrepreneurship also functions as a means and a forum for developing interests, talents, and potential in the field of entrepreneurship or as a forum for student aspirations in doing business/entrepreneurship to develop their business. Their programs including training workshops on entrepreneurship, Success Motivation Podcasts and holding Cooperatives

UKM Traditional Dance

UKM Tatra was formed by the Department of Arts and Culture of the UEU BEM in collaboration with students from the physiotherapy faculty and has been active since March 21, 2015 until now.

Major student association

Major Student Association is a student organization at the department or study program level that are like extracurricular activities. Here, students are also forged mental and leadership, and invite them to apply their knowledge to achieve sustainable development goals


Nature Lover Student Association 

On August 14-15 2021, the Nature Lovers Student Association (HIMPALA) of Esa Unggul University (UEU) held a community service activity at the Taqlimul Qur’an Islamic boarding school in Muara 1 Village, Cibunian Village, Bogor. The theme of this activity, Jodi continued, is “Love of Nature and Compassion for Others.” On this occasion, HIMPALA provided assistance in the form of stationery, Al-Qur’an, basic necessities, goldfish seeds and compensation for orphans. (Link : https://www.esaunggul.ac.id/meriahkan-hut-ri-ke-76-himpala-ueu-gelar-pengabdian-masyarakat/ )

Foto group

Indonesian Red Cross Volunteer Corps-Esa Unggul University


UEU PSR held a Webinar with the theme: “Community Perspectives on Stress and Prevention Efforts in Managing Stress” on November 1, 2021, at 13.00 WIB – finished via Zoom Meeting. This activity aims to help people manage the stress they face, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Link : https://www.instagram.com/p/CHIOnQgA26T/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link). In addition, the UEU PSR also held a webinar on blood donation, with the theme Dare to Donate Blood in a Pandemic Period held on January 24, 2021. This activity aims to motivate participants to donate blood to help people in need during a pandemic. (Link : https://www.instagram.com/p/CKLTHZWA3Uf/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Evacuation of the Sriwijaya Airplane crash

Members of the KSR PMI Unit of the Esa Unggul University took part in the task and participated in the evacuation process of the Sriwijaya Air SJ 182 crash on January 10 and 12, 2021. KSR as a humanitarian volunteer, was also present as a medical team and coordinated with other related parties as part of the implementation of humanitarian duty. (Link : https://www.instagram.com/p/CKEZ2b-A9T-/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Tanggap Darurat Banjir

Members of the KSR PMI Unit of Esa Unggul University participated in the Flood Disaster Emergency Response in the West Jakarta area. (Link : https://www.instagram.com/p/CLq1UalA7Ps/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Fire Emergency Response in Tanjung Duren

On April 18, 2021, the KSR PMI Unit of the Esa Unggul University contributed to the West Jakarta City PMI in the Emergency Response to Fire Disasters. (Link : https://www.instagram.com/p/COFJ015AjqG/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Community Service

On April 30, 2021, the KSR PMI Unit of Esa Unggul University has carried out Community Service on Education on Clean and Healthy Lifestyles and the delivery of hand washing tools and disinfectant equipment.

UEU’s KSR Community Service


The Ministry of Social and Environmental Affairs 

Social Service Caring for the Cibunian Flash Flood. (https://bem.esaunggul.ac.id/posts/bakti-sosial-peduli-banjir-bandang-cibunian

The Ministry of Arts and Culture 

The program of the ministry of arts and culture includes art bulletins, organizing art parties, making Bini BEMU events (UUU BEM Art Talks)

Art Bulletin: Reog Ponorogo Dance (https://bem.esaunggul.ac.id/posts/buletin-seni-tari-reog-ponorogo

Art Bulletin: Noken, a Knitting Bag from Papua Recognized by Unesco (https://bem.esaunggul.ac.id/posts/buletin-seni-noken-tas-rajut-dari-papua-yang-diakui-unesco

[6.12] Sustainability Report

Examples of sustainability report (Esa Unggul University, Indonesia)


Complete text of Esa Unggul Sustainability Report 2020 available on this link:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bQqUnam0srZD1IGpS3w1nvW2ZKIW_88V/view?usp=sharing

[6.13] Number of cultural activities on campus (e.g.Cultural Festival) including virtual activities (if any)

International Language and Culture Festival 2020
(Esa Unggul University, Indonesia)
Exploring France: Language and Culture with France Cultural Center
(Esa Unggul University, Indonesia)
Exploring Korea with Bung Korea (Korean YouTuber)
(Esa Unggul University, Indonesia)
English Conversation with Chris Sherrill (USA)
(Esa Unggul University, Indonesia)
IKOFEST 2021 (Esa Unggul University, Indonesia)
Cutural Activites (Esa Unggul University, Indonesia)


Total number of cultural activities on campus organized by the University: 6 events

Link Youtube :

Podcast Esa Unggul Talk #29: : IKOFEST 2021 Annyeong Haseyo – YouTube

Podcast Esa Unggul Talk #29: IKOFEST 2021 Annyeong Haseyo (Part 2) – YouTube

Korean Club competition 2021 – YouTube

[6.14] Number of university program(s) to cope with Covid-19 pandemic

Figure 1. Knowledge Base E-Learning
(Esa Unggul University, Indonesia)
Figure 2. Upload teaching materials on E-Learning
(Esa Unggul University, Indonesia)
Figure 3. Helpdesk Siakad dan E-Learning
(Esa Unggul University, Indonesia)
Figure 4 . Video Conference
(Esa Unggul University, Indonesia)
Figure 5. Vacination Program
(Esa Unggul University, Indonesia)


Helpdesk group for E-Learning

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the learning system implemented at Esa Unggul University is entirely through e-learning. It is intended so that students can still get a good education even though they have to study from home and graduate on time with qualified knowledge and skills by the vision of the Esa Unggul University, which is to produce a profile of graduates who are intellectual, creative and entrepreneurial. However, some lecturers and students are not ready for distance learning. They are unfamiliar with or unfamiliar with e-learning platforms or software. Therefore, the Esa Unggul University Learning Development Institute and Esa Unggul University IT strive to meet the needs of lecturers and students, such as providing tutorials or guides (as shown in Figure 1). Raw learning materials are added to the lecturer’s academic system (Siakad). After being uploaded by the lecturer, the Bureau of Information and Communication Technology (BTIK) of Esa Unggul University will periodically update. However, enriching learning resources can be added directly to their respective online classes through the eLearning system (moodle). The helpdesk page also guides doing learning modules (figure 2), learning videos, discussion forums both synchronously and asynchronously, uploading modules, assignments, quizzes and journal links to support learning. During synchronous learning, lecturers and students are facilitated using Google Meet with premium features (capacity of 100 participants) and zoom meetings (capacity of 100, 500 and 1000), which are managed by BTIK and the Learning Administration Bureau (BAP) of Esa Unggul University so that distance lectures are carried out well. Also, with IT, in assisting the synchronization of learning materials in the academic system to e-learning and vice versa in helping to synchronize the assessment of assignments, quizzes and midterm and end-semester exam scores to the academic system of lecturers and students. So far, the helpdesk related to learning, lecturers and students can contact the LPP, BAP and BTIK extension numbers at Esa Unggul University. In addition, they also provide services through the telegram social media group (Figure 3), making it easier for lecturers to communicate about the academic system and e-learning system.

Online Teaching


Regarding the Covid-19 Pandemic, the UEU Chancellor mandated that teaching and learning activities at UEU be carried out virtually starting from the even semester of 2019/2020 until the current academic year 2021/2022. This website contains operating manuals and related information (figure 3). This page will be updated regularly. The output of e-learning is achieved. This can be seen from the evaluation results of lecturers in the teaching and learning process conducted by the Quality Assurance Committee of Esa Unggul University. Evaluation questions include how the lecturer’s teaching materials are complete (slides, modules, journals, etc.), the ability of the lecturers to increase student interest in learning during e-learning, communication between lecturers and students, both at the initial meeting explaining the learning system and lecture references, even through discussion forums and lectures. The ability of lecturers in using learning media.

Addition bandwith

In addition to making guidelines for implementing distance learning for lecturers and students, for the sake of smooth teaching and learning activities, BTIK Esa Unggul University added an external cloud server with a larger bandwidth capacity.

Video Conference

Since the pandemic, UEU has continued to carry out seminars, or so far known as webinars, training, workshops, and others (Figure 4). BTIK UEU provides adequate internet facilities. Since the pandemic, BTIK has added an external cloud server with a larger bandwidth capacity. BTIK also provides Google Meet and Zoom Meeting facilities to support the implementation of webinars, training and workshops conducted by faculties, study programs, units at UEU and even student activities that require these facilities. Of course, before using Google Meet or Zoom Meeting, both lecturers, education staff, and students apply for permission to use them to avoid clashes between activities.

Vaccination Program

In addition to the four activities above, Esa Unggul University also carries out a vaccination program for education staff and students. It aimed to reduce the rate of the spread of the COVID-19 virus, which is getting higher. The vaccination program for education personnel in phase I was carried out on September 25, 2021, while phase II was on August 25-26 2021, using the AstraZeneca vaccine, with 955 people being vaccinated. The vaccination program for students, phase I, will be held on 22-23 July 2021, with 796 students being vaccinated (Sinovac vaccine). The implementation of this program involves students from the Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKES) and is assisted by health workers. This output was achieved, especially at Esa Unggul University, the number of cases of tendonitis exposed to COVID-19 was relatively low.

Additional evidence link (e.g. for videos, more images, or other files that are not included in this file):

Online Output : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rxZnKTE9Aoc87YYt_Ivw-B36Ka0J14-S/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=113355796815171952876&rtpof=true&sd=true

Vaccination Program : Universitas Esa Unggul Jadi Sentra Vaksinasi Tenaga Kependidikan LLDIKTI | Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan

[15] Number of sustainablity community services project organised and/or involving students

Project name


Project duration

Project area

Healthy Environment Response Movement as an Effort to Control Infectious Diseases


1 year 


Community empowerment in managing used cooking oil


1 year


Volunteers in Handling COVID 19 Patients at RSUD dr. Chasbullah Abdulmadjid Bekasi City


1 month


Volunteer in UEU’s Education Personnel Vaccination Program


6 month


Volunteer in UEU’s Student Vaccination Program


6 month


Community Empowerment in the Application of Balanced and Safe Nutrition to Maintain Body Endurance


1 year


Cultivating Reading Habits in Children


1 year


Vaccination Event At Cengkareng Puskesmas March 22-31, 2021


10 days



Esa Unggul supports sustainability programs through community service in ED, WS and SI

[16] Number of sustainability-related startups




Nama Start Up : UMKM Berseri (industry rumahan pembersih/ecozyme)                    * 

Startup area in UI Greenmetric questionnaire (SI, EC, WS, WR, TR, ED): SI

URL: *

Description : UMKM BERSERI (Bersih, Sehat, Lestari) a startup engaged in going green sociopreneur, where in its operations, the team hopes to create a positive impact on the business on society and environment. We criticize the waste problem in Indonesia, especially in our immediate environment. The idea was born to establish BERSERI UMKM in April 2019, hoping it could be an alternative solution to the existing problems. BERSERI MSMEs in their business activities are producing eco enzyme, the result of fermented fruit peel waste that can be used as a versatile household cleaner. Eco enzyme in the fermentation process will produce acetic acid and alcohol compounds as antiseptic and antibacterial substances, making it practical for killing germs and cleaning household furniture. The eco enzymes that we produce Ecozyme, produced from natural ingredients, without chemicals, of course, are environmentally friendly because they do not produce chemical waste. BERSERI MSMEs that have just been independently initiated require capital injections to build and develop businesses to run operations sustainably. It started in April 2019 with a turnover of Rp. 12,464,500,- and a profit of Rp. 2,088,020 with a workforce of 4 people. 



Nama Start Up :     Wedding Organizer & Catering Service                * 

Startup area in UI Greenmetric questionnaire (SI, EC, WS, WR, TR, ED): SI

URL: *

Description :

Wedding Organizer is a special service that helps the bride and groom and their families plan and supervise the implementation of a series of wedding events according to a predetermined schedule. The wedding organizer also manages wedding events from marriage contracts, traditional ceremonies, aisles, catering, bridal makeup, documentation, etc. In 2006, I formed a Wedding Organizer, which developed this business from my mother’s business, namely a beauty salon. I got a lot of valuable lessons about developing this business. Sales turnover/month is Rp. 2,483,000, 25% profit/month with 6 members/workers 


Nama Start Up :     Donsi (Donat Isi) Kelor                * 

Startup area in UI Greenmetric questionnaire (SI, EC, WS, WR, TR, ED): SI

URL: *

Description : Moringa doughnuts (stuffed doughnuts) are the brand of our business, food made because they were inspired when reading an article about the benefits of Moringa leaves. Moringa doughnut has the main ingredient that characterizes our products, namely Moringa flour. Moringa flour originally came from dried Moringa leaves that we got from Moringa farmers. The good nutritional content of Moringa flour, as one of the essential ingredients of our business, is expected to foster public interest in consuming this because it is guaranteed to be safe and halal. Business development by making various cakes such as risol, pastel, putu ayu, various cookies. With a variety of flavours, this makes people love this food. Moringa donation products are in demand by people of various ages ranging from children, adolescents and adults. The need for filled doughnuts is around 200 – 300 pc per day; therefore, with many people’s interest in consuming filled doughnuts, we can meet market needs by producing more than 200-250 pc per day. We introduce these processed Moringa doughnuts directly or through social media to know that this product is different from those on the market because it has good nutritional benefits for health. We carry out direct marketing activities by selling to consumers. There are also indirect marketing activities such as we entrust our products to travelling cake sellers, deposited in small shops and campus canteens. Our marketing activities are also carried out online through social media such as Instagram, Whatsapp, Facebook. We are also ready to accept orders for recitation events, weddings. We offer free shipping services only for the three closest sub-districts in the Tangerang Regency area; outside the three sub-districts will be subject to delivery services.



Nama Start Up :     NiOnigiri                * 

Startup area in UI Greenmetric questionnaire (SI, EC, WS, WR, TR, ED): SI

URL: *

Description :  Food originating from Japan is identical to seafood products, one of which is fish; the way Japanese people eat fish is usually served raw, only washed, even the onigiri that Japanese people serve is raw. Unlike the Indonesian people, in Indonesia, most of the food served is boiled or fried first. Marketing is done using Twitter and Instagram @NiOnigiri social media accounts. Because NiOnigiri’s online business, we rely on good product photos to share on our social media accounts. In August, our income was Rp. 1,910,000 with sales of 82 units. In the second month, which is September, our revenue was Rp. 4,929,000 with sales of 212 units. Then in the third month, in October, our income was Rp. 5,090,000 with sales of 226 units. In these three months, our business revenue growth has always increased every month, with average revenue growth of 86.2% per month.   


Nama Start Up :     Si Kunel (Si Buku Flanel)                * 

Startup area in UI Greenmetric questionnaire (SI, EC, WS, WR, TR, ED): SI

URL: *

Description : The business, named SiKuNel or Si Flannel Book, is engaged in the craft sector. It was made because I feel the lack of children’s learning about reading and arithmetic before entering school and parents’ confusion about engaging learning media to accelerate early childhood reading and counting skills. With the community’s increasing needs, I took the initiative to create a learning media, namely in the form of a book creation that introduces an element of letters and numbers accompanied by the help of pictures. By using the primary material of colourful flannel, I am optimistic that this book has a multifunctional use, both as a means of playing for children due to the book’s attractive shape and the media for children’s learning. I am sure children will enjoy learning to use SIKUNEL because of the many colours of flannel used to make this book so that children do not get bored quickly and are even more curious about the contents. In the SiKuNel production process, I recruited three employees. I served as the initial design maker and managed marketing; one employee served as a tailor in making the base of this flannel book, one employee was in charge of cutting and pasting materials on the base of the book according to a predetermined design. One employee doing finishing tasks, namely tidying up the details of SiKunel so that it is ready to be sold to customers. 


Nama Start Up :     Tempe Tipis Manis                * 

Startup area in UI Greenmetric questionnaire (SI, EC, WS, WR, TR, ED): SI

URL: *

Description : Tempe Tipis Manis Sweet Thin Tempe is the development of processed foods made from tempeh. Tempe itself is a type of food that everyone has eaten. Not even a few of them always add tempeh as a side dish in their food. Tempe that is usually found in the community is processed tempe as usual. However, by looking at the huge market potential accompanied by tempeh fans who exist in all circles, creative ideas emerge to add to the collection of tempeh foods. By adding a sweet taste to tempeh, it is hoped that it will further increase the love for processed tempeh. This Sweet Thin Tempe has a crunchy, crispy, sweet and long-lasting taste texture. Because the manufacture of Sweet Thin Tempe uses halal ingredients and does not contain preservatives. For 1 pack of Sweet Thin Tempe itself is sold at a price of around Rp. 5,000, – – Rp. 10,000, – depending on the net weight of the packaging. Tempeh Thin Sweet packaging also uses Standing Ziplock Plastic which is certainly suitable for carrying everywhere, even for giving gifts. This Sweet Thin Tempe product is in great demand by people of various ages ranging from children, teenagers and adults. We do marketing directly and indirectly to consumers. You do direct marketing activities by selling to consumers. There are also indirect marketing activities such as we entrust our products to colleagues to help sell them, also deposit them in the campus canteen. Our marketing activities are also carried out online through social media such as Instagram, Whatsaap,. Our Instagram social media access is @tempetipismanis_ which all people can access.


Nama Start Up :     Teman Lapar                * 

Startup area in UI Greenmetric questionnaire (SI, EC, WS, WR, TR, ED): SI

URL: *

Description : Teman Lapar is a type of culinary food where it sells food in the form of Rice and Chicken Fillet Flour with various choices of sauces and is served in a unique and practical box. This hungry friend provides box chicken with original sauce variants, mango sauce, and pineapple sauce. The price for each box of Teman Lapar is low, with a price range of 22 thousand to 25 thousand rupiahs. Not only selling food, but hungry friends also sell drinks such as fresh tea and lemon tea to complete the enjoyment of the hungry friend box. Of course, Teman Lapar has a different taste from other types of processed chicken where the raw materials and sweet and sour mango and pineapple sweet and sour sauces are unique and have not been widely used by food preparations in general.


Nama Start Up :     LATIMAKASTURI (Lampu Tidur Aroma Terapi Kasturi                * 

Startup area in UI Greenmetric questionnaire (SI, EC, WS, WR, TR, ED): SI

URL: *

Description :

This Kasturi Aromatherapy Sleep Lamp is a form of creativity that utilizes the primary material of parole pipe. As for the comparison of this product, what makes it different from other night lamps is that this night lamp has the addition of a musk-scented candle that can make the atmosphere of the room comfortable and fragrant. Of course, this is very useful for pampering our sleep at night because the aroma of musk produced gives a relaxed sensation while sleeping. Coupled with calligraphy decorations that read Ayat Kursi, which makes this sleeping lamp have a religious nuance. This night light is handy for those who do not like to sleep in dark or bright places because this night light emits a little light from the cracks of calligraphy writing so that the room is decorated with dim light.




Nama Start Up :     FA & YA Collection                * 

Startup area in UI Greenmetric questionnaire (SI, EC, WS, WR, TR, ED): SI

URL: *

Description :

Our business is a Creative Industry because of various hand skills and high artistic values. We produce Swarovski Digital Tasbih products with diamonds, equipped with three buttons: a button to count, a button to turn on the lights, and a button to reset the count during dhikr. Our type of business is selling Swarovs Digital Prayer Beads. 




Nama Start Up :     Tropical-19 Smoothies                * 

Startup area in UI Greenmetric questionnaire (SI, EC, WS, WR, TR, ED): SI

URL: *

Description :

Tropical-19 Smoothies is a new business engaged in the beverage sector, which has a positive impact, especially during this pandemic. The pandemic period caused by the coronavirus in Indonesia does not seem to be over soon, where the positive cases of Covid-19 are still growing. With these conditions, maintaining health and increasing body immunity is a wise enough way to avoid contracting the Covid-19 virus. Based on the World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations, in addition to adequate food intake, the need for vitamins and minerals must also be met to help boost immunity. One of the vitamins that must be considered is vitamin C.

Tropical-19 Smoothies, in its manufacture, uses natural and selected citrus fruits combined with milk. The benefit of Tropical-19 Smoothies is that apart from quenching thirst, it contains Vitamin C from Sunkist oranges which function as an antioxidant. There are nata de coco, basil seeds and agar-agar in addition to this drink. Tropical-19 Smoothies that we produce in 250 ml packages for IDR 18,000 and 1 litre for IDR 60,000.



Nama Start Up : Kedai Ala Japan

Startup area in UI Greenmetric questionnaire (SI, EC, WS, WR, TR, ED): SI

Description :

Combining two cultural elements in a fusion food is now back into a culinary trend. The emergence of fusion food is inseparable from the role of the millennial generation, who likes to explore flavours. Junk food that people of all ages like turns out to contain a high number of calories. In just one meal, you can consume excessive salt, sugar, and fat. Even so, 89 per cent of those interviewed agreed that it is necessary to maintain good health to help reduce the incidence of various diseases. 




Nama Start Up : Yeyezkiya

Startup area in UI Greenmetric questionnaire (SI, EC, WS, WR, TR, ED): SI

Description :

Yeyezkiya is a local brand that produces and sells women’s clothing online. I started this business in May 2018. I chose this clothing line business because I have an interest in the fashion world, where when I was in high school, I managed to get second place for the Fashion Recycle competition at school. Clothing products that Yeyezkiya has successfully made are Gladys Blouse, X-Top, Kimmie Outer, Jenny Blouse, Chilla Shirt, and hijab Crinkle Shawl and Vocal Square in collaboration with celebgram Adya Asyra. All clothes are made in all sizes using convection vendors. 




Nama Start Up : BACARA

Startup area in UI Greenmetric questionnaire (SI, EC, WS, WR, TR, ED): SI

Description :

Apa itu BACARA?

Bacara is a solution to help Deaf and Mute Friends communicate with people who do not understand sign language. UEU Informatics Engineering student Muhammad Rizky Perdana explained that the startup he and his Project Team developed from various universities in Indonesia was a Sign Language application called the Bacara (Speech Support) Application. Rizky continued that this application was used as a sign language learning platform and directly translated sign language into text and audio. Muhammad Rizky Perdana managed to get funds for a startup project initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture through the 2021 Bangkit Program.


Nama Start Up : SILC Lasik Center

Startup area in UI Greenmetric questionnaire (SI, EC, WS, WR, TR, ED): SI

Description :

Utama Eye Clinic with the main service of LASIK surgery with advanced technology, experienced doctors and a comfortable place where the procedure aims to eliminate refractive errors such as myopia (eyes -), hypermetropia (eyes +) and Astigmatism (cylindrical eyes) ” Doctor Sophia Pujiastuti, SpM(K), MM completed his Masters in Management from the Faculty of Economics, Esa Unggul University, Jakarta in 2017 with a thesis on a business plan for a lasik clinic, which he later applied to the clinic he founded in 2017. 


Nama Start Up : Oesodo alam mandiri

Startup area in UI Greenmetric questionnaire (SI, EC, WS, WR, TR, ED): SI

Description :

a trusted and beneficial herbal medicine company for the community, to awaken a culture of liking to drink herbal medicine as an ancestral heritage, and to serve health culinary delights. To provide educational facilities for the community in improving health status. A herbal cafe partnership, the result of the BP MM final project at Esa Unggul University.




Nama Start Up : Sayur Mandjur

Startup area in UI Greenmetric questionnaire (SI, EC, WS, WR, TR, ED): SI

Description :

Sayur Mandjur was founded in 2019 on behalf of individuals engaged in the provision of Hydroponic Vegetables. in running its business in collaboration with Farmers Groups, as well as Independent Farmers. They carry out intensive cultivation of hydroponic vegetable farming. Esa Unggul Nutrition Student Products.